Sunday, February 1, 2009

I made my own bed

Two days ago: Made coconut pancakes with pineapple sauce (Vegan with a Vengeance). MMMMM...

Met up with family in Holland, ate some vegan pizza made by Andrew-the omnivore's were apprehensive and they were like, "maybe I'll have some..." but they ended up eating most of it. They loved it (except for Tiffanie who is prejudiced against tofu). We all went to Crazy Bounce and had a fricking blast-I'm still sore from all the climbing, running, throwing myself through obstacle courses.

Then we went back to the hotel, took our vodka tonics into the hot tub which was partially inside and partially outside (we pretty much stayed outside and threw snow at each other). After an hour or so we ended up in the pool (shaped like Michigan) playing Marco Polo with the kids. It was all tons of fun and a lot more physical exertion than I'm used to.

And this is Abe. He's using Andrew's booty as a pillow. So funny.

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